Rebuy MTT Strategy

Filed Under MTT Strategy 1 Comment 

Re-buy Tournament Strategy differs from regular freeze out tournaments because of the fact you can re-buy  into the tournament should you go bust, or even pay for add-ons to your chipstack. 

Rebuy Tournaments Require an Investment of 5 Buy-ins

When you have the option of a rebuy in a tournament you should always make the most of it.  Solid poker players say you should be willing to invest 5 times the buy-in when you’re thinking of playing a rebuy MTT.  This allows you to play agressively and rebuy into the event if you go out.  A number of freezeout players who play rebuys don’t actually know this 5xrebuy rule.  It’s perhaps the most important difference between rebuys and regular MTTs.

Tip: For the Best Re-buy Tournaments visit our Re-buy Tournaments Page!

Be More Aggressive Than Normal MTTs

You should play rebuy MTTs much more aggressive than a regular game.  Many successful rebuy players are fond of the “crazy all in player” approach.  This very simple strategy includes going all in for the first few hands at the table regardless of what you have.  The reason this pays off is because it gives you a loose table image and encourages action at the table.  If you take down the pot you can show your cards (unless you actually had a premium hand).  While this strategy certainly contrasts with regular tournament games; the reason is that if you get caught and go out you can just rebuy – with a much looser image.  

Play your preflop and postflop more aggressive than you usually would in rebuys.  Also aim to get your drawing hands in that have good implied odds, and always try to inflate the size of pots when you’re on a draw or premium hand.  Never slow play a hand in the early stages of a rebuy because it’s very common for players to 3 and 4bet hands. 

Always Take the Option of Adding More Chips

At sites like PKR the rebuy tournaments often allow you to add more chips to your stack at the beginning of the tournament by paying extra.  You should always take advantage of this regardless of whether of not your opponents do (the same is true for home games).  You bigger stack gives you a much greater advantage in the game, affording you a deeper stack then your opponents which has a number of advantages.

Go to our Re-buy Tournaments for more information on the best poker sites for re-buy tournments!

One Response to “Rebuy MTT Strategy”

  1. […] See the article here: Rebuy MTT Strategy | MTT Strategy, Best MTT Poker Sites, MTT Guide … […]